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re:Starting at levels greater than 1

>  If it is desirable the let people start at a higher level, why not just
> put in a starting question 'What level do you want to start at (1-10)?' 

I think this is a good thing, actually. It would be extremely hard making 
fair questions, etc, etc. If someone starts at the tenth level, that is 
not such a big problem, in  my opinion.

Now to something completetly different! =)

I have problems with the making a new archetypes / pixmaps. Everything 
seems to go along as is should. Pixmaps, font etc is done correctly. 
However when I try to run the game, it complains that it can't 	create 
the pixmap (Error creating pixmap 
/usr/local/games/crossfire/lib/crossfire.pix.4, error -4.). After saying 
'Error code BadRequest' a bunch of times, it exits. I tried to look at 
the images with xv, and sometimes they work, sometimes they doesn't. I 
have converted them to ppm and then back to xpm, and this made it work 
before. It doesn't work anymore, however. So, my question is, does anyone 
know how to solve this?

/David Hedbor (Fireborn fanatic ;)
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