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Failed to get protobyname

What exactly does that mean?
I'm using Crossfire0.91.4, it compiled PERFECTLY (heh.. I just loved it! for the first time something worked rigt :)
Compiled under Linux (March release) and Xfree 2.2.1 
Like I said, I saw no bugs (although when compiling while running Xfree I got the 'virtual memory'-out error.. (only had a 10meg swap file :)

Anyways, Just wanted to know what that 'bug' (its probably my end) was. 

The latest 'working' version of crossfire I had (for linux) was 0.89.2, which is a 92 game.. was hoping this one would work :( :( *pout*


Btw. the game accualy loads (I get the crossfire-screen) and it crashes with the 'failed to get proto by name' right afterwards..

Thanks and thank you for a VERY good product! (wish we had more of programs like Crossfire out.. )