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Re: crossedit suggestions

On Sat, 20 Aug 1994, Peter Mardahl wrote:

> I notice a few things which are missing from crossedit,
> which would be nice:
>  1)  Some hotkeys for the nicer functions

This can be do by defining traslations and adding the actions.

>  2)  Documentation

Eh, yh, om, yes :)

>  3)  Some of the variables aren't changeable from within crossedit,
>      such as path_attuned

This is the common problem, when there is added a new variable
to the object, the managing it should be added to the editor
also by implementator. There have to declare few defines, set-
and get methods for variable.

>  4)  An ability to change random-items.  I know this cannot be changed
>      yet because it's part of the archetype for an object, but it would
>      be extremeley nice.  It would add the important capability of editing
>      the spells a monster can cast.  Right now the best you can do is 
>      add abilities.

There should first to the decision, is the random-items property
of the archetype or is't property of the object.

>   I am unfamiliar with crossedit, 

Time to get familar, have before studied the Xt programming,
now you have change :)

>I'm hoping someone who works with
> it more can do these things.

I'm not working anymore with crossedit, only giving info
in this list. I'm now interested in OO design in roguelike
games, and I have project Hell4 (million years project although),
that I'm doing.

If someone else want look out after crossedit I would be happy.

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