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Re: cheating & LOS

>>>>[From Carl Edman]

    Why don't we want asynchroneous updates ?  Because we like wasting  
    processor cycles and network bandwidth ?  Or because we can't admit  
    that we could possibly be mistaken about something ?
asynchronous updates WASTE bandwidth, because they generate many many
more packets than would otherwise be sent.

synchronous is relative to other players, not
  "send update... wait for client to acknoledge"
as i pointed out.

Having timer clicks for updates is neccessary because
  1)  that's the way the game code is currently designed
  2) it preserves a concept of relative "speed" between
            monsters/players/etc nicely

  3) It equalizes play between fast-update and medium-update players.

You seem to be taking into your hands how the server will use the
protocol, instead of just sticking to your proposed protocol itself.
I'm pointing out how it will actually be used.

As for your last comment.. you were the one you pleaded for un-personal
mail.  Don't be a hypocrit.