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Re: Documentation ...

>  I haven't looked at the crossfire documentation available by the WWW, but
> if it is more complete or has additional information than what is
> distributed, it would be nice if it was sent along to me.
>  --Mark

The documentation available on the WWW at Cardiff is only a html conversion
of the stuff that comes in the crossfire distribution, found in the "doc"
directory. These include the survival guide, map maker's guide etc. Also,
there's a good chance that most of this documentation is out of date, but
the files don't carry any version number so we have no quick way of telling.
It's probably not worth anyone doing major updates until the game calms
down and stops changing so much :-)

It would be no trouble to tar up the html versions of these documents -
they wouldn't be much bigger than the plain text versions already
distributed.  If the html docs were included in the distribution it would
allow you to browse them locally if you've got something like mosaic, lynx
or cello. Whether this is a good idea or not is another matter...


Simon N. McIntosh-Smith, PhD candidate    |  Email :
Room M/1.36 Department of Computing Maths |  Phone : +44 (0)222 874000
University of Wales, College of Cardiff   |  Fax   : +44 (0)222 666182
PO Box 916, Cardiff, Wales, CF2 4YN, U.K. |  Home  : +44 (0)222 560522
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