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Re: bracing

> The only advantage i ever observed to bracing oneself
> was simply that you didn't need to move into a square
> to hit something.
> Is that what the creator of 'bracing' had in mind?

No, I added those disadvantages after receiving the patch.

In the early days of bracing, monsters (most) had no range attacks
(no bows, could not use wands, etc), thus you could just find a
room with lots of generators and a 1-square wide door, stack up
with lots of food, then brace yourself outside the opening and
leave crossfire iconified overnight.  (If you move the mouse out
of the window before you release the move-button, the key-release
event is never received, and you continue to hack your way...)
I wanted to make this less easy.

Now this is more risky though, if the monsters suddenly decide to
nail you with arrows or wands...things are more random.
