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(ASCEND) Test. Don't bother reading if you don't want to :)


I want to enable SNMP on a pipeline 50, but can't seem to get it to work. 
Can someone outline instructions on doing this if possible.

I want to monitor the Pipeline 50 with MRTG, Traffic in and out.

I beleive I have set it up, when I go into Term Serv and so show udp listen.

Socket  Local Port  InQLen
      3         161       0
      4         162       0

which seems to say SNMP is listening patiently

but when I run mrtg on it, it says
SNMP Error:
no response received
SNMPv1_Session (remote host: "" [].161
                   community: "public"
                  request ID: 2070464597
                 PDU bufsize: 8000 bytes
                     timeout: 2s
                     retries: 5
                     backoff: 1)
SNMPGET Problem for ifInOctets.12 ifOutOctets.12 sysUptime sysName 
ifDescr.12 on
SNMPGET: Failed to reach target: "". I tried 
multiple t

Curious as to why, I ran an nmap udp scan on it, and it listed every 
possible UDP port, and says that they are all listening.

Starting nmap V. 2.2-BETA4 by Fyodor (,
Interesting ports on  (
Port    State       Protocol  Service
1       open        udp       tcpmux
2       open        udp       compressnet
161     open        udp       snmp
162     open        udp       snmptrap
10080   open        udp       amanda
17007   open        udp       isode-dua
18000   open        udp       biimenu
31337   open        udp       BackOrifice
47557   open        udp       dbbrowse

Which is obviously bogus. Last time I checked BackOrifice wouldn't run on 
ascend routers ;)

I can telnet and ping the router from the machine running mrtg, so it aint 
a network type problem. I heard somewhere that UDP is an unroutable 
protocol, which could cause this problem. But UDP not being routable sounds 
like horseradish to me.

If anyone has any ideas PLEASE let me know. I have been working on this for 
about 2 months now. I would love to get this solved.

Brock Henry

Brock Henry - (H) - (W)

           I asked for all things, that I might enjoy life,
                  I received life, that I might enjoy all things.
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