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Re: (ASCEND) user online with several Max40xx

From: Olivier PRENANT <>

>On Thu, 29 Jan 1998, Daniel wrote:
>> I am sure this has been asked before. If I am using one RADIUS (the
>> from Ascend) server for several Maxens. How can I avoid client from
>> multiple login to those Maxens ? Ideally, I can control whether a user
>> login more than once or not.
>First, on the max : Ethernet->Mod Config->Shared Prof=No
>Then on radius, for each account your want multiple logins, add
>Ascend-Shared-Profile = Shared-Profile-Yes

Good and great for a single-max situation, but I believe that the
original poster wanted a multi-max solution.

Such a thing would require some way to have the radius server(s) track
who's on, and only allowing people to log in if they aren't already.  So
hack radiusd to poll all your maxen to see if the user is already on.
(whoah, that could take a while :)

Not that we need another feature to break existing features, but couldn't
this be added to the Max Stack thing?  At least that way, we could limit
shared profiles accross an entire POP instead of just a single max.
Perhaps an entirely new item to handle this accross many maxen accross
many nets/subnets/POPs/etc...

God, I'd hate to be an Ascend software engineer :)

  Troy Settle <>
  Network Administrator, iPlus Internet Services

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