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(ASCEND) Pipeline 50 B/Routing

I have a "newbie" question.  I am very new to the entire network 
routing/bridging world and don't seem to be getting any answers from 
ASCEND Tech Support, they are pethetically slow.

I have a office with Novell 3.12 running IPX. I am going to be switching 
over to IP but this is an accounting office and I do not dare changing 
protocols in the middle of tax season. One of the partners has a Windows 
95 machine at home that he would like to be able to dial in from. I 
contracted with Bell-Atlantic to install a Centrex ISDN switch for him 
to alleviate message unit charges, and purchased a PIPELINE 50 for the 
office and a PIPELINE 15 for his home.

Here is the delema;

I assumed that since I would be dialing into a network from a single 
machine that routing would be unnecessary and I could just bridge, 
however I was not able to see the network. When I enable routing I can 
see the network but cannot browse or login. Does any one have a simple 
checklist of options that must be enables/disables in order to make each 
of these work. This is a very small netowrk (15 nodes). Also when I 
enable routing the pipeline 50 with its own unique IPX address that I 
assign shows as a Network server, is this correct?

Any insight would be helpful, as I am looking to get this monkey off my 
back and learn from the whole miserable affair.

Tim Jabaut

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