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RE: (ASCEND) Quiescenting PRIs

On Friday, January 23, 1998 10:39 AM, Matt Holdrege [] wrote:

| >
| >We are the CO. Our TNT's are directly connected to a Nortel DMS
| >500. The alarms are minor invconveniences to the RBOC CO, but
| >the alarm is an out so I can't say I blame them for not liking
| >it. 
| >
| >Our experience has been the queise<sp!> is not reliable. Perhaps
| >I should revisit this.
| The way this works is that we send CUSTOM messages to the switch telling it
| to take the channel out of service. The reason the messages are custom is
| that there is no standard method to do this. I forwarded a request through
| the NIUF to add this feature to (North American) National ISDN. I don't
| know the status though.
| So we built this custom feature originally for the 5ESS. Later we added it
| for the DMS-100. Does the DMS-500 use the same ISDN code?

Sure does.

The DMS-500 is nothing more than a DMS-100 and a DMS-250 code load.

And quiescing will work - only for 4 minutes, then the switch expects to
see the BLO you are sending it again.  The reason being, per the ANSI
Timer standards, you must send this BLO every 4/5 minutes.

Shawn Lewis
XCOM Technologies, Inc

| Matt Holdrege
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