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Re: (ASCEND) Re: Ascend OSPF?


I may have jumped to too many conclusions.  I'm seeing numerous entries
in the table again for another Cisco router user now who appears to have
had a stable connection.  Again, the session status table does not show
these erroneous connections.  I'm on hold waiting for tech support in
hopes I there is a way to clean up this mess before I get a reboot or an
OSPF hang.

Todd Bishop
Unicom Communications, Inc.
Ticket #173959

Todd Bishop wrote:
> David,
> This may or may not be good news for you.  I was doing an snmp walk
> through the interface mib tree and discovered that our Ascends were
> reporting roughly 80 connections up or in ack state to the same ISDN
> router customer.  I checked the routing table and it was not affected by
> this which is probably why I never caught this before.  I figured having
> 80 open connections, most of them invalid, would play havoc on
> stacking.
> I looked through logs and determined that the customer having these 80
> connections were a result of numerous connections and drops in a
> relatively short period.  The customer using a Cisco 2503 with v10.3
> software.  I logged onto the 2503 and discovered that the reason for
> frequent connections and disconnections was because the bandwidth on the
> BRI port had not been configured and defaulted to 16kbps.  That reaks
> havoc on other configuration options.  And the more obvious problem
> which was that the idle timeout was not set as high as it could be (of
> course we should be able to set this to whatever we want and not have
> this problem).  I corrected these settings and had to reboot the Cisco
> for it to take the changes so it was obviously suffering from brain
> damage as well.  Since then, that connection has been more stable and
> the number of entries in the snmp link status table are down to the
> appropriate two entries.  Since then, I have had zero reboots or OSPF
> failures.  I hope you find something like that, too.  I looked further
> through my logs and found that all of my Cisco customers cause this same
> problem but they are not killing me because their configurations were
> are not such that there are several connects and disconnects in a short
> period of time.  I'm obviously not saying this is a Cisco specific
> problem but one that is related to customers who require interface based
> routing and therefore a static route in the RADIUS table as well for
> their subnet.
> My reasoning behind why this causes the Ascends to fail is that stacking
> is trying to stack all of these connections into a single MPPP
> connection.  The memory consumption for that would be considerable,
> IMHO.  I was experiencing considerable packet discards as a result which
> I was unable to track down the reason for until this.  This also points
> out that there is still a fix that Ascend needs to be working on.
> Ascend needs to find a way to terminate these connections
> appropriately.  I remember seeing somewhere in a bug report before that
> Ascends were not properly terminating connections when the connection
> profile was in RADIUS and had a static route in the profile.  This would
> match what I'm experiencing.
> Todd Bishop
> Unicom Communications, Inc.
> David Power wrote:
> >
> > Well I tried all your suggestions And my life has still been miserable. I
> > finally downgraded back to p24 (the last stable release I know about) and
> > am down to 2 max reboots in 24 hours ( two different maxes ). Let me know
> > if they send you a fix. I have 6 other maxes that all have their own
> > rotarys. So no stacking is needed and get 30+ days of up time with out a
> > problem. The dial up customers have to have stacking and with p36 and p38
> > I was getting reboots every 1-3 hours. I havnt tried stacking without ospf
> > at this time.
> >
> > --- On Sun, 18 Jan 1998 10:39:58 -0600  Todd Bishop <>
> > wrote:

***** *****    Todd Bishop       
 ***   ***     Network Operations Manager
  *     *      Unicom Communications, Inc. info:
   *****       7223 W 95th St Ste 325      (913)327-5307
    ***        Overland Park, KS 66212          327-5375 Support
     *                                          327-5300 Main
                                                327-5376 Fax
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