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(ASCEND) FILE-aatv for merit radiusd 3.5.x


I wrote an aatv for merit radiusd which alows you to authenticate
users using a file simmilar to /etc/passwd which reads like:

	username:crypt(passwd):.....\n or

To try it out, follow these instructions:

     get radius.3.5.6.basic.tar.gz from:

 ii) get FILE_FOR_radius.3.5.6.basic.tar.gz it from:

 iii) untar radius.3.5.6.basic.tar.gz into a directory radius.3.5.6.basic
       (warning: archive does not create subdirectory!)

 iv)  untar FILE_FOR_... (creates subdirectory FILE_FOR... )

 v)   cd FILE_FOR

 vi)  ./patchme

 vii) follow instructions for installing RADIUS

Then, you can use

DEFAULT MyFile  /etc/raddb/passwds/defpass
domain	MyFile	/etc/raddb/passwds/domain
foobar  MyFile  /etc/raddb/passwds/foobar

to authenticate via this file.

PLEASE tell me if you like it, if you use it and if you found any mistakes...
I almost never program in C!

	Christian Vogel

Buergernetz Neumarkt *
Consider yourself disclaimed!

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