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Re: (ASCEND) Multicast weirdness

At 01:18 PM 1/8/98 +0100, Andre Beck wrote:
>I've posted on this here already but no answer yet. I'd like to try
>out the multicasting capabilities of several Ascend boxes I have
>around. I basically have two obstacles:
>1) Documentation, or better lack thereof. I can't find where the
>   multicast stuff for Ascend boxes is documented. Neither the
>   "ISP Guide" nor the "Reference Guide" from the beta download
>   area (I assumed them to be the newest) had a single word on
>   it. Searching reveals some release notes that
>   may have information, but the WWW server fails to retrieve them.
>   I'll have a look on FTP later, but this is a really bad example
>   for documentation: We are at least one major version after the
>   releases where multicast was added (4.6Bi or such) but still have
>   no documentation besides what may hang around in a giant backlog
>   of change release notes.

Your manual must be old. You should ask for a new one. Attached is the most
recent HTML file for Multicast.

Title: Setting Up IP Multicast Forwarding


Setting Up IP Multicast Forwarding

This chapter covers these topics:

Configuring multicast forwarding
Administering multicast interfaces

Configuring multicast forwarding

The multicast backbone (MBONE) is a virtual network layered on top of the Internet to support IP multicast routing across point-to-point links. It is used for transmitting audio and video on the Internet in real-time, because multicasting is a much cheaper and faster way to communicate the same information to multiple hosts.

To the MBONE, the MAX looks like a multicast client. It responds as a client to IGMP (Internet Group Membership Protocol) packets it receives from MBONE routers, which may be IGMP version-1 or version-2, including IGMP MTRACE (multicast trace) packets.

To multicast clients on a WAN or Ethernet interface, the MAX looks like a multicast router. Like a router, it sends those clients IGMP queries, receives responses, and forwards multicast traffic. In this implementation, multicast clients are not allowed to source multicast packets-if they do, the MAX discards the packets.

These are the parameters for configuring multicast forwarding:

For details on each parameter, see the MAX Reference Guide.

Understanding the multicast parameters

This section provides some background information about multicast parameters.

Multicast forwarding from an MBONE router on Ethernet

Figure 11-1 shows a local multicast router on one of the MAX unit's Ethernet interfaces and dial-in multicast clients.

Figure 11-1. MAX forwarding multicast traffic to dial-in multicast clients

Note: Heartbeat monitoring is an optional feature. You can operate multicast forwarding without it if you prefer.

This sample profile specifies the MBONE interface as the Ethernet port, and uses the heartbeat group address of

  1. Open Ethernet>Mod Config>Multicast.

  2. Enable multicast forwarding, and leave the default values for the Mbone profile, Client, and Rate Limit parameters.

      Mod Config
      Mbone Profile=
      Rate Limit=5
  3. Specify a heartbeat group address and UDP port for monitoring heartbeat packets.

                          HeartBeat Addr=
      HeartBeat Udp Port=16387
  4. Specify the time, count, and alarm threshold parameters.

                        HeartBeat Slot Time=10
      HeartBeat Slot Count=10
      Alarm threshold=3
      Source Addr=
      Source Mask=
  5. Close the Ethernet profile.

To enable multicasting on WAN interfaces:

  1. Open the Connection profile for a multicast client site.

  2. Open the IP options subprofile and set Multicast Client to Yes. If appropriate, specify a rate limit other than the default 5.

      Ip options...
      Multicast Client=Yes
      Multicast Rate Limit=5
  3. Close the Connection profile.

Multicast forwarding from an MBONE router on a WAN link

Figure 11-2 shows a multicast router on the WAN with local and dial-in multicast clients.

Figure 11-2. MAX acting as a multicast forwarder on Ethernet and WAN interfaces

Note: This example does not use heartbeat monitoring. If you want to configure the MAX for heartbeat monitoring, see the example settings in "Multicast forwarding from an MBONE router on Ethernet" .

This sample profile specifies the MBONE interface as a WAN link accessed through a Connection profile #20. To configure the MAX for to respond to multicast clients on Ethernet:

  1. Open Ethernet>Mod Config>Multicast.

  2. Enable multicast forwarding, specify the number of the Connection profile for the MBONE interface, and set Client to Yes.

  3. Set Multicast Rate Limit to a number lower than the default 100.

      Mod Config
      Mbone Profile=20
      Rate Limit=5
  4. Close the Ethernet profile.

To configure the MBONE interface:

  1. Open the Connection profile for a MBONE interface (in this example, profile #20).

  2. Open the IP options subprofile and set Multicast Rate Limit to a number lower than the default 100.

      profile #20...
      Ip options...
      Multicast Client=No
      Multicast Rate Limit=5
  3. Close the Connection profile.

To enable multicasting on WAN interfaces:

  1. Open the Connection profile for a multicast client site.

  2. Open the IP options subprofile and set Multicast Client to Yes.

  3. Set Multicast Rate Limit to a number lower than the default 100.

      Ip options...
      Multicast Client=Yes
      Multicast Rate Limit=5
  4. Close the Connection profile.

Administering multicast interfaces

The terminal server command-line interface provides commands to support IP multicast functionality. To see the options, invoke the terminal server interface (System>Sys Diag>Term Serv) and type:


Displaying the multicast forwarding table

To display active multicast group addresses and clients (interfaces) registered for each group:

The output contains these fields:

Listing multicast clients

To display a list of multicast clients, type:

The output contains these fields:

Displaying multicast activity

To display the number of IGMP packet types sent and received:

To display the number of multicast packets received and forwarded:

In many cases, the number of packets forwarded will be greater than the number of packets received, because packets may be duplicated and forwarded across multiple links.


Copyright © 1997, Ascend Communications, Inc. All rights reserved.

Matt Holdrege
