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Re: (ASCEND) A tale of two cities: Connecting two MAX 4000s together?

At 18:44 1997/12/30 -0500, wrote:
>Now, what I am trying to do is allocate two channels from the REMOTE POP's
>MAX and have that connect to the MAIN POP's MAX, thus getting a 128k link

>But more importantly, can someone point me in the right direction?  I've
>configured a Trunk on the REMOTE MAX so as to dial up the MAIN MAX (albeit
    ^  ^  ^  ^  ^  what do you mean?

>unsuccessfully, but I doubt that is the hardest part).  Now although I
>haven't gotten to this point yet, how would the REMOTE MAX know to route
>packets to the MAIN MAX and vice versa?

You have to create a connection profile on each max
to define the other, ex: on MAX-A you create a profile called MAX-B
on MAX-B you create one called MAX-A, then configure the two profiles
with relevant IP info, and decide which router will dial to the other,
and configure phone numbers, etc.

This does work, and I have done exactly the same thing
for an emergency backup when our PTP T1 fails, even as much as 
exchanging OSPF routes between the POPs, and everything works fine. 
You don't, by the way, nescecarily have to limit the link to
two channels, you can theoreticly bond any number of channels,
I've only really used up to 6 at once though.

-Jim H
Jim Howard             Sr Network Engineer        Lyceum Internet     404.248.1733     

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