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Re: (ASCEND) Managing an MAX 4000 with NavisAccess !!!

Hi Ricardo,
You will be able to discover the Max with 5.0Ap38 and use NavisAccess to
manage some things on it - you'll get the backpanel view, etc..

But AccessWatch - which is what manages your modems - (you can see modem
util and avail, who's connected etc through AccessWatch) really requires
the 6.0 version. I believe 5.0ai28 will work, but I personally have not
checked that.  Many of the snmp variables were added, as were as other new
features like Call Logging, in the 2.0/6.0 releases on the devices.
So, you will NOT be able to see the full management capabilities of
NavisAccess if you use 5.0Ap38


At 10:21 AM 2/5/98 -0200, Ricardo Greco wrote:
>Hi all,
>I have an Ascend Max 4000 whose system revision is : eik.m40 5.0Ap38.
>Has anyone experienced any problem when using NavisAccess to manage the
>MAX with the version above ?
>Some folks told me that the NavisAccess just works with the beta version
>6.02. (would be a workaround ?)
>Should I upgrade my current version ?
>Any suggestion will be appreciated.
>Thanks in advance,
>Ricardo Greco.
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