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Re: (ASCEND) Multiple Radius Caller-Id Attributes or numbers possible?

The server we are using is the Ascend Radius Server, latest version.  I
don't really care which one we use as long as it will compile under
Solaris V2.6, which I would think all should.


On Tue, 21 Apr 1998, Tim Basher wrote:

> > I have a requirement to accept incoming radius authenticated
> > calls for a single userid that is allowed from multiple phone numbers.
> ...
> > I have successfully used the "Caller-Id" attribute to limit the
> > incoming call from one of my test phone lines, but I cannot find any
> > documentation that describes how to do it from multiple phone numbers.
> This is entireley dependent upon the RADIUS server implementation.
> Since you don't say which brand of RADIUS server you are using or which
> version of the RADIUS server, I don't think we can offer much.
> With some RADIUS servers, you cannot do it.  With some you need to use
> a special syntax.
> > Also, correct me if I'm wrong, the default behaviour for a radius
> > authenticated call is to allow multiple logins with the same userid
> > on the same Ascend Max?
> The default behavior is decided by the value of the "Shared Prof"
> parameter (Ethernet>Mod Config>Shared Prof).  The default value can be
> overridden on a per-user basis in the Connection profiles or in the
> RADIUS user profile (using the Ascend-Shared-Profile-Enable attribute).
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