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Re: (ASCEND) Packet Filtering Load

Erich wrote:
]We are concidering adding a filter to the default user profile. This
]would cause filtering of *all* packets in our Maxen.
]1) Has anyone else done this?

we have the following filter in our default profile:

# "inbound" and "outbound" are with respect to the Max, on the
# dialin (remote user) interface.  All offsets are calculated
# based on ethernet frames.
# 1. Drop all incoming packets that have an IP header length of anything
#    other than other words, drop all packets with IP options.
# 2. Forward all outbound packets from tcp port 20 (ftp-data).
#    This is to let the TCP SYN packets through.
# 3. Forward all outbound packets destined for tcp port 113 (ident).
#    This is to let the TCP SYN packets through.
# 4. Make sure it's a TCP packet and...
#    5. Forward outbound packets destined for TCP ports 6000-6007
#       This allows for exported Xwindow displays.
# 6. Make sure it's a TCP packet and...
#    7. Drop outbound TCP packets with SYN=1 && ACK=0.
#       These are packets trying to initiate a TCP connection.
# 8. Forward all inbound IP packets that have made it to this rule.
# 9. Forward all outbound IP packets that have made it to this rule.

         Ascend-Data-Filter = "generic in drop 14 0f 05 !=",
         Ascend-Data-Filter = "ip out forward tcp srcport = ftp-data",
         Ascend-Data-Filter = "ip out forward tcp dstport = 113",
         Ascend-Data-Filter = "generic out forward 23 ff 06 more",
          Ascend-Data-Filter = "generic out forward 36 fff8 1770",
         Ascend-Data-Filter = "generic out drop 23 ff 06 more",
          Ascend-Data-Filter = "generic out drop 47 12 02",
         Ascend-Data-Filter = "ip in forward 0 0 0",
         Ascend-Data-Filter = "ip out forward 0 0 0",

]Does this cause any significant 
]degredation of routing speed?

we haven't had any problems.  although we've only had the box in production
for a few months, and it has always been like this - so we don't have
anything to really compare it with.  i did some single user tests
with and without the filter, and didn't find any difference...but that
was with only one user on the box.

]2) Does anyone know of any Mibs or commands to check processor load? 
]3) If so, what is the load we do not want to pass?

i really hope someone from ascend can address those questions.  i've seen
them asked here multiple times, but have never seen an official answer.

Joe Pautler, E.I.T.                             University at Buffalo
CIT/OSS Network Engineering                     224 Computing Center             (716) 645-3536

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