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(ASCEND) Bought 4048 got Max 4002 w/o ISDN SIG


Last year we purchased a 4048 from Solunet and received a free 4002 from
Ascend as part of the buy one get a 4002, buy two get a 4048, buy three
get a TNT program. 

We only recently plugged the unit in as I planned on putting some ISDN
accounts on it (it has the old V.34 modem cards) only to find out that it
didn't come with the hash codes necessary to use ISDN.

Our contact at Solunet informed us that the hash code would be $1,050.00
for ISDN signalling, Data call, Frame-Relay.  I can live without the
Frame-Relay but this unit is basically useless to me without ISDN
signalling since we have only PRI. 

I am _not_ buying these hash codes - period.  I will be selling it if
turns out I participated in the buy one get 0.5 Max free deal.

Did everyone else have the same experience or were we just lucky?

 Jim Freeman | Athens' ISP, Inc. | Systems Administrator

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