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Re: (ASCEND) Pool handling strategies (was: IP Addresses needed for 4048)

On Fri, Apr 03, 1998 at 11:35:39AM -0600, wrote:
> On Wed, 1 Apr 1998, Andre Beck wrote:
> > 1) Pool IPs should be handed out with a "try-my-best-to-reget-the-old-IP"
> >    strategy. If the IP cannot be reused or the NAS has no information
> >    any longer about which profile did have which IP a hour ago, it should
> >    be LRU - but only then.
> Eww..  No, no, no...  

No ;)

> > 2) Pool Only needs another mode, lets call it "Relaxed". It means that
> >    it allows the user to get an IP of his choice as long as this IP is
> >    in the pool specified by the user profile and is not currently in
> >    use (obviously). This would allow the user to reget his old IP if
> >    at all possible even when the NAS has forgotten about it.
> Static IPs cost over $240 a month to the ISP if they have an 8:1 modem
> ratio.  Static IP in the US == 720h a month == website-over-modem and
> that's a no no.

1) The max should also support features that may not obviously be of
   immediate use in the USA. There is more to the world than just the US ;)

2) If you don't want to use relaxed pooling, you don't need to. If I would
   be Ascend I would not make incompatible changes. Thus I did not want a
   change to the current behavior but a new mode with behavior that seems
   to be a better solution. Actually, the pooling strategy could as well
   be a per-pool parameter. Then you could have pools with rotation and
   plug a subset of users with special demands to a pool with relaxed

3) If you have a cost of $240 per static IP than all you need to do is to
   charge at least $240 from a user who uses your service 24/7. If you
   however sell the user "unlimited access" for some bucks you should not
   be surprised if some of them actually utilize it unlimited, i.e. 24/7.
   Thats not a problem of customers or technology but of tariffing.

Tariffing by volume often scares users but it helps you a lot to save your
bandwidth for real important traffic. The user gets what he pays for.

BTW, I know that in RL it is a bit harder to stay with volume accounting
because you don't get customers as easily as others and are somehow
swimming against the market. But the market is just plain damaged and
if nobody does something about it it will deteriorate further.



| o |               \\\- Brain Inside -///                   | o |
| o |                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^                       | o |
| o | Andre' Beck (ABPSoft) XLink PoP Dresden | o |
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