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(ASCEND) Diagnostic Commands


What I have discovered so far in the absence of manual.
If anyone knows what soe of this does, especialy ni, nv, tcpf......

ad		ADDRPOOL Debug Toggle
arpta		Arp table
av		Modem status

brouterd	Brouter Debug Toggle
brouterl #	Brouter Load Time 0 ticks (x10ms)
brouterm	Brouter max messages/switch=8
brouters	Brouter Save Data Toggle

callba		Callback Debug Toggle
callr		Call Route Debug Toggle
callbl		CallBack Status
cb		Callback List
clo		Clock source (line)
clr		clear(?)
cored ?		Core Dump Options
corem		Core Debug Toggle
ctc		Performance Info
ctd ##		CIDR Tree Debug = ##
ctgct		CIDR Tree Gargage Timeout

dh		DHCP Debug Toggle
dpnssl2 0	DPNSS DSL Info
dpnssl3 0	DPNSS Net Info
dumpb # # #	Dump Bytes Address Length

ee		?
ether-d #	Ether Display port
ether-s #	Ether Stats port

fa		Fatal Log

hscxdr		HSCXDRV Stats
hea		Heartbeat/Multicast Debug Toggle		

ig		IGMP/Multicast Debug Toggle
ip-		Route Debug Toggle
ipa		IP Address Config Debug Toggle
ipxs		IPX Spoofing debug toggle

la		?
lc		LANCORE state dispaly Toggle
le		Connection IP Addresses
li		LIF Debug Toggle
lp		Modem Selection Debug Toggle

mc		Connection expiration List
md		?
modemdi		Modem Debug Toggle
modemr #	Modem Status for slot #
mpc		MPCM Debug Toggle
mpp		MPPCM Debug Toggle
mpt		MP Debug Toggle

ne		?
ni		??? KILLS MAX !!!!!!
nlcb <globDsl)  ?
no		Noidle Toggel
nv		??? KILLS MAX !!!!!!

ospfa		(not running)
ospfdeb		OSPF Debug Toggle

pe		?
pool		Memory/Process Info
port 1-11	Port Info
PPPDump #
pptpc		PPTPCM Debug Toggle
pptpe		PPTPEC Debug Toggle
pppf		PPPFDM State Debug Toggle
pptpo ?		PPTPCM Outgoing Calls Toggle
pptpt		PPTPTCP Debug Toggle
pppif		PPPIF Debug Toggle
pppin #		? # index (0-160)
pppvjd #	VJ Compression Info
pppvjs		VJ Compression Stats
pptpda		PPTPDATA Debug Toggle
pptpst		PPTPDATA Stats

rl		Rlogin Debug Toggle
ro		RouteManger Debug Toggle
rada		RADACCT Debug Toggle
radd		RADDbgDump B G P Q  ??
radi		RadiF Debug Toggle
radser		Rad Server Vars - Client Info
radses		Rad Sessions
radst		Rad Authentication Stats

sa		Save Area ?
sl		Slotmode Debug Toggle
sn		SNTP Debug Toggle
sp ?		Spyder Stats
sec		SecureID Debug Toggle
setb		WAN Status
setd		DSLMGR
		(with msg globDsl-49 provided is not T1 or E1)

ta #		Task Id
te		Telnet Debug Toggle
tw		Basic Total WAN stats
tcpf		TCP Flushtimer (defaults to 30msec)
tcptcbdeb	TCP_TCB_ALLOC Debug Toggle
tcptcpsh	PTCBS in Each State
tcptcpst		ditto

up		Interface inventory


| Ian Cowley    Network Design Consultant                          |
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