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(ASCEND) Stupid pricing ?? (was MAX TNT Disconnects vs the MAX 6000)

On Sat, 17 Apr 1999 01:59:28 -0500, wrote:

>Density may be one reason to opt for the 6000 vs the TNT.  The 6000
>will do 96 ports.  Wouldn't you rather only have 96 ports down when
>one of your maxes reboots or goes down?  vs Having half or a quarter
>of your ports down when your TNT reboots or hoses?
>Which does happen more often then it should.  We use 4000s and 6000s
>and I really like the 6000s.

Struth, reliable ?? so far for the last 9 months, the only reboot
we've had is when our ups ran out of battery and the generator
wouldn't start (yeah, so I forgot to turn the ignition on to standby
after I had last tested it........)

Funny, I have been pricing here in Australia...

TNT - still outlandish pricing, per port cost is one of the highest
although now with series 2 cards quite good density.

6260 - reasonable, price per port, good replacement for the 4000

6096 - Really stupid this one, per port pricing is way over a 6260.
Whats the sense of adding a bit of density if the per port price
climbs this much ?? Pricing is really stupid folks considering the
base box is still the same (only a few extra modem cards thrown in

It seems that my attempts at staying all ascend for dialups (yes I
like the 4000 series and have found them reliable reliabl) is in
vain. I just cannot justify financially a TNT although I really want
one, I'll make do with a 6000 series, but I need to increase density.

Result -> I am looking at other platforms :-(

Yes, and my other preference is looking real good now (hint 1440
modem ports in 16RU, even more with the new higher density modem
cards :)


>On Fri, 16 Apr 1999 14:46:48 -0700 (PDT), you wrote:
>>Once upon a time Andy Walden shaped the electrons to say...
>>>Awe, come on, who is it? Who else is there thats VERY big into Ascend
>>>dialup except the borg? The density between a 6000 and a multishelf TNT is
>>>so far apart I would put the above fact under scrutinization.
>>I don't know who he was referring to - but BBN/GTEI used MAX4000s, and now
>>MAX6000s.  It was decided not to use the MAX TNT.  GTEI has ~700 POPs in the
>>US, with a *minimum* of 10 MAX 4000/6000 chassis (and I don't believe any
>>are actually that small).  The goal is 1000 POPs by year end.
>>Since I'm not in the DiaLinx group (I work for GTEI) I don't know the
>>exact reasons why the TNT was decided against.

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