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re: RADIUS STOP packet. (Was Re: (ASCEND) Radius: stop use...

I am confused, this message trail seems to be pointing a finger as Ascend 
as if they are the only Remote Access vendor with unique (non standard) 
RADIUS attributes.  They are not!  As a matter of fact, SHIVA also has a 
list of unique RADIUS attributes equal to or greater than those of Ascend.

I will never try to act as if I know all there is to know about setting 
standards but in my experience, if every NAS vendor limits their use of 
technology to only that which is written to a draft standard, we would be 
complaining to these same vendors complaining why they cannot meet our 
needs in areas not covered in these standards.  I am happy that Ascend 
provides additional attributes and I purchased a RADIUS product that 
supports the attributes I need to monitor.

It is as if we are constantly in search of a reason to complain.

Original Text
From: "MegaZone" <>, on 3/30/99 9:23 PM:
To: SMTP@DC2@OCC["Ascend Users" <>]

Once upon a time willp2 shaped the electrons to say...
>Regarding this flame about Ascend's proprietary RADIUS attributes:
>MegaZone- if you don't like it, don't run Ascend.  

I don't, and wouldn't.

>Personally, I really really like Ascend's RADIUS changes.  I've been able 
>put in pseudo-user profiles (which you ridiculed) and have 
>Maxes instantly know about our DOVBS dialup numbers and other configs.

So what?  There is no reason for this to be in RADIUS.  If they wanted to
use the same basic protocol they could use a standard RADIUS server and 
run it on a different port as 'ascendd' or whatever.  And then it wouldn't 
be a headache for RADIUS developers everwhere.

>It's ironic that Livingston was bought by Lucent, and then Lucent goes and
>buys Ascend.  (Wasn't Livingston all it was cracked up to be? Or not?)

Ironic?  Hardly.  Lucent did not buy Ascend for the MAX, anyone who
thinks so is high.  They bought Ascend for two names - Stratus and Cascade,
which Ascend had acquired.  Lucent has already adopted ComOS as their data
OS across the board.  The PM-4 is the core of their 5ESS data shelf, and
their VOIP/FOIP gateway.  And their SS7 system.  It already has a higher
density and higher performance than the TNT, and it is in first generation. 
The TNT will die - I'll bet on it, and have.  The PM-4 will get new
physical interfaces to handle xDSL and OC-3/-3c and will take over the
role of high end server.

The MAX4000 was already kileld by Ascend.  The MAX6000 is the one I don't
know for sure really.  It is decent HW, if not for TAOS.  Of course, it
does currently have Rockwell DSPs - Lucent's major competition.  I can't
see that surviving even if the product does.  It has the advantage of being
out while the mid-range PM is still in HW development.  (Based on PM-4

Lucent bought Ascend for the high end ATM/Frame switching gear (Cascade)
and high availability servers (Stratus).  And, of course, the name and
customer base.

As a bonus they got some low end stuff - Pipelines - that they really
haven't had in their portfolio to date.  I expect Navis to get merged with
OneVision in time.  Lucent went and acquired Port Authority RADIUS, and
RABU is currently folding RADUS ABM into it - PA will be *the* Lucent 
and I expect Navis RADIUS to be terminated as well.

These are my predictions, we'll see how they hold up in due time.

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<> Gweep, Discordian, Author, Engineer, 
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"A little nonsense now and then, is relished by the wisest men" 
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