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Re: (ASCEND) Radius: stop users from dialin two times (fwd)

For a RADIUS server, we use the Shiva Access Manager.  So long as the NAS 
fully supports all RADIUS attributes, we are able to limit users to a 
single login as well as restrict login to specific times of day for 
specific users and so on.  We use the MAX TNT and two other products 
(legacy LANA boxes by Diigi and Bay Networks 5399 terminal servers).  The 
only NAS that supports RADIUS sufficiently to apply security limitations 
properly is the TNT.  The others support RADIUS in varying degrees both of 
which is not acceptable.

Original Text
From: "MegaZone" <>, on 3/30/99 6:36 PM:
To: SMTP@DC2@OCC["Ascend Users" <>]

Once upon a time Oliver J. Albrecht shaped the electrons to say...
>that, a radius-based solution (tracking of active accounts) across 
>units might be a possible solution. I just wonder how well this works in 

Not 'might be' - it is.  Some servers have done this for a long while.
Cistron is the only free server that does it truly effectively, but most
commercial servers do it as well.

>practice and how the radius daemon keeps track of active accounts. Surely
>it can't be the radacct records, which are (YMMV) bound to get lost from
>time to time.

That is only part of it.  It will use RADIUS Accounting to maintain a state

However, if a login request comes in for a user who is:
1. Already in the state table.
2. Has reached their allotted limit in number of ports.

Then the server will use another protocol - SNMP is preferred when possible,
as with PortMasters, Ciscos, and 3Com HiPer ARCs.  With MAXen they tend to
have to use finger as the desired info isn't available via SNMP.  The 
checks to make sure the sessions are indeed still active.  

If they are then the new login is denied.  If one or more of the sessions
is actually gone then is presumes a lost or delayed STOP packet, updates
the state table, and allows the new login.

The trouble here is with multiple servers - a free server like Cistron 
provide for a way to sync multiple servers.  A commercial server like 
RADIUS ABM does however.

>With all due respect to the standard and Ascends pollution of the
>radius attributes/dictionary, the "bogus crap" works just fine.

Yes it works.  But WHY?  Why NOT use the standard?  This is a headache for
anyone with a mixed environment, and for RADIUS server vendors who can
do one thing for everyone - EXCEPT Ascend.

That or Ascend users get the shaft when they can't use features in the
server.  Some servers have time of day limits and will automatically
generate things liek Port-Limit, Session-Timeout, etc, based on current
data, configuration profiles, etc.  And many times Ascend users just get
left out in the cold - it works with compliant systems only.

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<> Gweep, Discordian, Author, Engineer, 
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"A little nonsense now and then, is relished by the wisest men" 
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