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Re: (ASCEND) Pipeline 75 voice call features

How about this:

Incoming voice calls are handled differently with AT&T Custom Point-to-Point
service. Because this service includes only one telephone number, it can handle
only one voice call at a time.
• If a single B channel is currently used for a data call, you can receive a voice
call. The call is routed to the Phone 1 port.
• If a B channel is currently used for a voice call, a caller to the telephone
number receives a busy signal.
• If both B channels are in use, a caller to the telephone number receives a
busy signal.

Does that help or did I goof again?

John J. Gill, CPA wrote:

> fwiw, I am using AT&T switch.  It works at one office, but not the other,
> so it may be a configuration issue with Bell Atlantic.  It would not be the
> first time.
> ----------
> From:   Jonathan Rather[]
> Sent:   Wednesday, March 25, 1998 7:44 PM
> To:     John J. Gill, CPA
> Cc:     'Ascend users group'; 'Pipeline users group'
> Subject:        Re: (ASCEND) Pipeline 75 voice call features
> <<File: vcard.vcf>>
> Exception: If the telephone switch for your ISDN service is a Northern
> Telecom DMS-100, the caller receives a busy signal if the incoming call
> is for the same telephone number used by the data call. Note that when a
> single-channel data call is made and there is no other call in progress,
> the telephone number specified by the My Num B parameter is always
> used, leaving the telephone number specified by the My Num A
> parameter available for voice calls.
> John J. Gill, CPA wrote:
> > I have a question related to incomming calls on my P-75.  It appears that
> > if SPID-1 is on a "data" call, and SPID-2 is available, that a call to
> > phone number A (SPID-1's telephone number) will ring busy, even though a
> > SPID is avaiable.
> >
> > How do I configure my P-75 to allow it to answer a call on phone number A
> > when SPID-1 is busy -- that is have SPID-2 pickup the call on phone A
> port
> > ?  I thought this was automatic.
> >
> > John
> >
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