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Re: (ASCEND) Script to change multiple MAX configs?

try this at your own risk but it should work.

1) modify the first MAX then do a TFTP save to extract the config.
2) delete everything else in the text file except the filter so that the
entire file looks like this

xx-xxx begin filter data
fliter data......
blah blah blah
xx-xxx end filter data

3) you can TFTP upload the filter to all your MAXes (asuming that you had
the filter in the same location in all the maxes). it will be activated the
next time you disconnect then reconnect users.

-----Original Message-----

>With the recent discovery of UDP port 9 problem, we had to install the
>filter on dozens of MAXes twice because the first filter published was
>incorrect.  Is there a easier way to make configuration changes over
>several MAXes?  I've thought about writing a Perl script which duplicates
>key strokes, but there's got to be something better.
>Any suggestion is greatly appreciated.

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