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(ASCEND) Network Collisions effect router?

Would this collision count make a max 1800, hangup connections and stop
responding to telnets, and on the console make the unit run really
really slow, like press a button and it moves 10-30 sec. later,
When reconnecting doesn't reconnect until 2 min later @ least?

1earth system revision:  bi.m18 6.0.2
BROUTER load time is 0 ticks (x10msec)

telstra 256k
Qual Good 00:46:31 >
256K    4 channels
CLU   8%  ALU  12%

50-400 Ether Stat
Rx Pkt:    4880047
Tx Pkt:    4805012
Col:           220373

 > ether-stats 0
Tx unicast:     4803985
   non-unicast: 9872
   octets:      -1628736664
   collisions:  220627
   dma under:   0
   cts loss:    0
   no carrier:  15
   late coll:   33
Rx unicast:     4861658
   non-unicast: 26538
   octets:      711006141
   collisions:  0
   short frame: 0
   dma over:    0
   no resource: 0
   Alignment:   0
   Unaligns:    16
   Length Errs: 0
   Restarts:    60

    Phillip Grasso

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