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Re: (ASCEND) In Defense Of Ascend...

I use commercial software for no reason other than I am a one man shop and 
should I get hit by the peverbial BUS, someone will have to come in behind 
me and keep things going.  We do not have a great number of competent 
technicians so we chose to go with an NT based RADIUS server.  It works 
well and provides some flexibility that the other options do not. 
Original Text
From: Thomas Hartley <>, on 3/23/98 6:32 PM:
To: <>

>> The successfull companies are the ones who cater to their users.
>Precisely. Ascend is totally customer-driven. The clear majority of our
>customers prefer supportable solutions. That's why they mostly buy
>commercial OS's. Obviously not everyone agrees and some of our customers
>use Linux and freeBSD. We simply have limited resources and can't support
>every unix. That's why we offer a freeware Radius with limited support.

I wonder where Ascend get there data.  The activity on the list suggests a
great number of customers using the free options.
Come on all you commercila followers put your hands up.


BTW: For the record, we are a Linux (RedHat) shop.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Thomas Hartley
Systems Administrator - LogicWorld
email :
phone : (07) 3208 7877
fax : (07) 3208 7811

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