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Re: (ASCEND) Duplicate Radius Entries

Ascend List Serve wrote:
> We have a problem with our max 4000 producing multiple/duplicate radius
> stop records.  It is causing our billing software to produce incorrect
> and abmormally high bills for usage. It apears to have started when we
> upgraded to 5.0Ap36 and continues in 6.0.2 (although 6.0.2 does not seem
> to happen as often)
> The problem is the exact same radius stop record is sent multiple times.
> I can not see anything in the Accounting section that jumps out as wrong
> and it all used to work fine.
> 3 different accounting servers
> Acct Host #1=(the IP of our first accounting server)
> Acct Host #1=
> Acct Host #1=
> I have tried adding 2nd and 3rd accounting servers but did not help
> Acct Port=1646
> Acct Timeout=1         ?? Should this be raised ??
> Acct Key=*********
> Sess Timer=0
> Acct-ID Base=10
> Acct Reset Timeout=0
> Acct Checkpoint=0
> Allow Stop Only=Yes
> Acct Max Retry=0
> This problem is specific to our max units 4000, 4004 and 1800
> It does not occure in our Total control hubs, livingston PM2/3
> or any other equipment.
> Any body else seeing this type of problem?
yes, I have exactly the same problem, even with proxy radius
I had to use a PERL script to get ride of those duplicate records.
Pierre Pfister
France Net
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