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Re: (ASCEND) Disconnects and 5.0ap42

In article <> you wrote:

>I'm running a Max4000 with 5.0ap42, 56K modems.  We have been seeing
>users getting disconnects right after the windows 95 returns "Verifying
>username and password...connect" and then disconnect... "You have been
>disconnected from the computer you have dialed, would you like to

This sounds familiar. If I remember right, that error occurs when the
user selects PPP in the DUN configuration, but forgets to install
TCP/IP in control panel->network. The same thing happens if the TCP/IP
installation itself is broken/incomplete. Re-installation of the tcp/ip
protocol usually helps.

>I've checked the radius logs, and these people are not even showing up
>as connected at all.

You should check your syslog for the cause code, it could be sth. like
LCP negotiation ok, but no NCP started.

>Has anyone else had this problem?  Is it a 5.0ap42 thing?  Will
>upgrading to 6.0.0 help?

We're seeing fabulous results with 6.0 on our max 2000, virtually
all calls get disconnected with cause 45, we're seeing a lot less 185 
type disconnects. OTOH 6.0.0 developed a nasty memory leak on our 
max 4000, so we went back to 5.0Ap42 on that unit.

Oliver J. Albrecht <>
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