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Re: (ASCEND) GRF routers -- pros and cons

> Does anyone out there have experience with the GRF 400 router?

We use them. They work. Anything else I will have to leave to those who
actually work with them.

> One of the things that made us decide to go for the GRF over the Cisco
> was the number of high-volume providers that have switched to them --
> including ours.  However, a casual remark on a phone call with said
> provider for a totally different reason reveals that they're in the
> process of removing their GRFs and going back to Ciscos, due to software
> instability and other problems.  The person I spoke with didn't know the
> full details.

Cisco have begun a FUD campain over here in the UK, with billboards
asking "What does you Internet Service Provider use to connect you
to the Internet" or words to that effect. They are implying that if
they don't use Cisco then they cannot be professional. sigh.

The new entrants, Ascend among them, are worrying the dinosaur. Can you
remember the IBM decline in the '80s ? 

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