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Re: (ASCEND) More K56Cards failures...

 Agreed, Plain and simple the Max's made prior to 645XXX are going
to die, That's what happened here, The fans they put in those boxes
are HORRIBLE! They did learn their lesson and put in improved fans. 
the boxes they now put out are engineered 100% better than the
older models. 

 I had over 75% of failure rates on Max 4004's that had 2 outake
fans in them. 

 It's my opinion Ascend should recall those boxes that have the 2 fans
or at least offer a free RMA to replace the poor engineered boxes 
of the <645XXX era.

 Jason Nealis
 Director Internet Operations
 Network Access 
 Erols Internet

On Tue, 10 Mar 1998, Chris King wrote:

> I've had the same problem...
> >I had similar problems.  A MAX 4004 with 6 12-modem K56 cards is now down
> >to two.  I have taken the unit completely out of service, and had a PM3
> >drop shipped and the Livingston pool expanded to take up the slack.
> Ditto.
> >
> >I attribute it to an older MAX (pre 645xxxx serial number)  Jason @ Erols
> >says that they did an engineering change that beefed up the power supply
> >and added more fans.
> Ditto.
> >My other MAX (serial # >6450000) is running fine.
> Ditto.
> >I'll have a new chassis here soon, after ~13 days spent swapping modem
> >cards and resolving other issues.
> Ditto.
> Wow... pretty much everything is ditto... do you feel a little outraged that
> the Maxes have worked for a little over a year and then just died?
> Personally, since I have more (approx. 10 4004s, and about 35 4048s), I'm
> looking for an alternative... so far, the PM3 is solid.  Too bad, the Max is
> a sweet machine, but until the QoS issues are resolved, it's hard to justify
> buying them.  Ascend, do you really care?  If not, fine, but we've dedicated
> our company on your product and it'd be nice to know that you did.  Just
> wondering.
> Thanks,
> Chris
> P.S. - for informational purposes, out of 4 original max 4004s, all 4 have
> gone bad.  That's a 100% failure rate.
> Chris King - IPA.NET (
> Network Engineer (501)785.0300 
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