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Re: (ASCEND) CRCs increasing rapidly

Maybe I'm just jaded, but I have yet to see a case where CRC errors were
the Pipeline's fault.  In the Kansas City area here literally every time a
customer has trouble with CRCs, I will call SW Bell, they will do one of
two things:

1.  Test the circuit, say "we didn't do anything" and the CRCs
mysteriously stop.

2.  Test the circuit, say "we found a dead rat in the switch" (or
whatever), then replace some equipment and the CRCs stop.

3.  Could be a bad NT-1 in the Pipeline.  Telco can confirm this by doing
various kinds of loopback tests (i.e. loop to the demark, loop to the
NT-1).  They have a lot of tests they can do, you just have to get
them to do them.  I have even gotten them to hook protocol analyzers up to
the circuit to find out where the problem is.

4.  Could be something else?  I haven't hit this possibility yet...  It's
been either 1-3 in all the cases I've had to deal with in the last year or


> From: "Leon McCalla" <>
> Date: Tue, 25 Aug 1998 20:56:33 -0400
> Subject: Re: (ASCEND) CRCs increasing rapidly
> thanks for all the suggestions.. here's a summary..
> 1)problems with 56/64K at the CO? 56K produces the same CRC errors as 64K...
> 2)problems on the line between the pipeline and the CO?? wouldn't that
> affect data going both ways? the last time that i had a customer with a
> noisy line, both the MAX and the p50 displayed errors on the WAN connection
> 3) problems on 5.1 Ap6...upgrade to 5.1Ap9......
> i'm going to try suggestion 3 first although i haven't ruled Bell out
> Thanks
> Leon

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