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RE: (ASCEND) v.90 code stable yet?

At 06:31 PM 8/24/98 -0400, R. P. McCormick wrote:
>On August 24, 1998 15:45 Kevin A. Smith wrote:
>>> >>> > We took the plunge yesterday morning (5.0 to 6.1.7).  
>>> >>> > So far, life is good: no users revolting (well, 
>>> >>> > no more than usual ;-), no signs (yet) of memory
>>> >>> > or IP Pool leaks <FX: looks for wood for touching>
>>> >
>>> >25+ days on 4048's without any problems!
>>> With 6.1.7 ??
>>> I though 6.1.7 was only released on 8/13/98.
>Oops - sorry for the confusion.  We're running 6.1.3.

I thought so, but I figured others may make the same conclusion
that I initially did....

>I was responding about the stability of the v.90 code, 
>and if memory is correct, I think it is the same v.90
>modem code used in both 6.1.3 and 6.1.7.


>27+ days on 6.1.3 without any problems ...
>now considering 6.1.7.

Thanks for the clarification.

Kevin Smith			Ascend Communications...
Customer Satisfaction	...where Network Solutions never end.

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