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(ASCEND) Swapping modem cards between Maxen

I have three Maxen, a 4048, a 4004[1] and a 4002.  The 4002 has the v.34
modem cards in it and the 4004 and 4048 have the k56 cards.  What we'd
like to do is swap the modem cards between the 4002 and the 4004.  This is
because we believe that we're having a problem with 4 PRIs on the 4004
which we didn't have previous to turning stacking on between it and the
4048. This is a current setup:

4004 w/48 56k modems
ISDN Dial-up - span1 rolls over to
Main Dial-up - span1 rolls over to
Main Dial-up - span2
ISDN Dedicated 

4048 w/48 56k modems
Main Dial-up - span3 rolls over from the 4004 and rolls over to
Main Dial-up - span4

4002 w/48 v.34 modems
Dedicated2 - span 1 rolls over to 
Dedicated2 - span 2 

We're getting a 6000 and we want to add another span to ISDN Dedicated
and another to the Main Dial-up.  We want to put all 4 ISDN dedicateds on
the 4004 (and stick the v.34 modems in there) and move the first two spans
of the Main Dial-up to the 4002 and have it, the 4048 and our new 6000
stack (and put the new Main Dial-up span and the ISDN Dial-up on the 6000.

We've run 4 PRIs on the 4004 with no trouble before we turned stacking on,
so we figure we can do it again.  Especially if we only put one of the
v.34 modem cards in (we only have a few dedicated modem customers).

Now, is there anything we need to do special or can we just power down
both the 4004 and the 4002 and swap the modem cards out, power them up and
reconfigure to recognize the new cards?  

- J-Mag Guthrie

[1] It thinks it's a 4000 but I'm taking 4004 to mean "4000 with 4 PRIs".

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