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(ASCEND) Multiple Logins from RADIUS?

I have seen the following post appear several times, but have never seen
a response to it:

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Stefan M. Brandl []
> Sent:	Thursday, July 30, 1998 9:19 AM
> To:
> Subject:	(ASCEND) Multiple logins with radius
> Hi,
> I want to create a user profile so that bunch of users can dialin
> with the the same username/password.
> Therfore I magde the follwing entry in the radius-db (Ascend-Radius):
> username     Password = "password"
>         User-Service = Framed-User,
>         Framed-Protocol = PPP,
>         Ascend-Idle-Limit = 600,
>         Ascend-Preempt-Limit = 0,
>         Ascend-Assign-IP-Pool = 2,
> 	Ascend-Shared-Profile-Enable = 1
> 'Shared Prof=No' is set on our Max4000 (running Software 5.0Ap51).
> This is because I dont't want all users to get shared profiles.
> If I set 'Shared Prof=Yes' then it works, but for all users.
> What can I do?
> Stefan
> -- 
> "Warum enthaelt Milch Fett?                   |   Passauer Neue Medien
> GmbH
>  Weil sonst die Euter beim Melken             |   Medienstrasse 5
>  quietschen wuerden."                         |   94036 Passau
>                     -- aus 'Kennen Sie den?'  |

I would really like to have the answer to this and understand the shared
profiles deal, because I have many corporate clients that are asking for
this ( in both Max and TNT pops).  Thanks in advance for any help!

Todd A. Blank
Columbus NAP, Inc.
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