I had a very similar experience with 5.0Ap23 on a MAX1800 with 8MODS56 cards. POST screen drew one line and the froze, sat there for 30 seconds or so, the the fault light started to flash. Had to remove cards, downgrade, and rebuild the nvram twice before it would boot with modem cards -- Jonathan R. Lusky | Voyager Online, LLC Director of Network Operations | (423) 209-2929 lusky@voyageronline.net | Unlimited PPP $19.95/mo <A HREF="http://www.hotrod.com">http://www.hotrod.com</A> | <A HREF="http://www.voyageronline.net">http://www.voyageronline.net</A> ++ Ascend Users Mailing List ++ To unsubscribe: send unsubscribe to ascend-users-request@bungi.com To get FAQ'd: <<A HREF="http://www.nealis.net/ascend/faq">http://www.nealis.net/ascend/faq</A>> </PRE> <!--X-MsgBody-End--> <!--X-Follow-Ups--> <!--X-Follow-Ups-End--> <!--X-References--> <HR> <STRONG>References</STRONG>: <UL> <LI><STRONG><A HREF="msg08868.html">(ASCEND) Dead maxen after 5.0Ap24 upgrade</A></STRONG></LI> <UL> <LI><EM>From</EM>: Joe Portman <baron@ws4.aa.net></LI> </UL> </UL> <!--X-References-End--> <!--X-BotPNI--> <HR> <UL> <LI>Prev by Date: <STRONG><A HREF="msg08900.html">Re: (ASCEND) Unmetered ISDN VOICE calls</A></STRONG> </LI> <LI>Next by Date: <STRONG><A HREF="msg08896.html">Re: (ASCEND) MAX1800 questions</A></STRONG> </LI> <LI>Prev by thread: <STRONG><A HREF="msg08868.html">(ASCEND) Dead maxen after 5.0Ap24 upgrade</A></STRONG> </LI> <LI>Next by thread: <STRONG><A HREF="msg08844.html">(ASCEND) Serial WAN (v.35 port)</A></STRONG> </LI> <LI>Index(es): <UL> <LI><A HREF="maillist.html#08895"><STRONG>Main</STRONG></A></LI> <LI><A HREF="thrd169.html#08895"><STRONG>Thread</STRONG></A></LI> </UL> </LI> </UL> <!--X-BotPNI-End--> <!--X-User-Footer--> <!--X-User-Footer-End--> </BODY> </HTML>