When you say directly connected, how do you mean? Is it dialing into an ISDN TA attached to the Pentium box, or are both the Pentium and the P75 connected to the same Ethernet LAN? If you're on the same LAN and you have a latency problem, I would suspect Ethernet problems, such as a duplicate IP address, improper default route setting, or a routing loop. If they're going across an ISDN link to each other, check the CRC count at each end. -mel ++ Ascend Users Mailing List ++ To unsubscribe: send unsubscribe to ascend-users-request@bungi.com To get FAQ'd: <<A HREF="http://www.nealis.net/ascend/faq">http://www.nealis.net/ascend/faq</A>> </PRE> <!--X-MsgBody-End--> <!--X-Follow-Ups--> <!--X-Follow-Ups-End--> <!--X-References--> <!--X-References-End--> <!--X-BotPNI--> <HR> <UL> <LI>Prev by Date: <STRONG><A HREF="msg08675.html">(ASCEND) Traceroute and NAT</A></STRONG> </LI> <LI>Next by Date: <STRONG><A HREF="msg08673.html">Re: (ASCEND) Who's fault? P75 or my ISP. Cannot get on the Net.</A></STRONG> </LI> <LI>Prev by thread: <STRONG><A HREF="msg08654.html">(ASCEND) High latency on Pipeline 75</A></STRONG> </LI> <LI>Next by thread: <STRONG><A HREF="msg08663.html">(ASCEND) Pipe 75 remote control</A></STRONG> </LI> <LI>Index(es): <UL> <LI><A HREF="mail9.html#08674"><STRONG>Main</STRONG></A></LI> <LI><A HREF="thrd162.html#08674"><STRONG>Thread</STRONG></A></LI> </UL> </LI> </UL> <!--X-BotPNI-End--> <!--X-User-Footer--> <!--X-User-Footer-End--> </BODY> </HTML>