Sounds like a useful idea. I'll pass it through the feature-request process. >(Apart from the free program, do Rockwell publish the specs of how this >hex can be parsed?) I would imagine so. I'll check into it too. Kevin ++ Ascend Users Mailing List ++ To unsubscribe: send unsubscribe to To get FAQ'd: <<A HREF=""></A>> </PRE> <!--X-MsgBody-End--> <!--X-Follow-Ups--> <HR> <STRONG>Follow-Ups</STRONG>: <UL> <LI><STRONG><A HREF="msg11323.html">Re: (ASCEND) modemdiag output on 5.0Ap36</A></STRONG></LI> <UL> <LI><EM>From</EM>: "Chris A. Epler" <></LI> </UL> </UL> <!--X-Follow-Ups-End--> <!--X-References--> <STRONG>References</STRONG>: <UL> <LI><STRONG><A HREF="msg11260.html">Re: (ASCEND) modemdiag output on 5.0Ap36</A></STRONG></LI> <UL> <LI><EM>From</EM>: Kevin Smith <></LI> </UL> <LI><STRONG><A HREF="msg11252.html">Re: (ASCEND) modemdiag output on 5.0Ap36</A></STRONG></LI> <UL> <LI><EM>From</EM>: Ben Knox <></LI> </UL> </UL> <!--X-References-End--> <!--X-BotPNI--> <HR> <UL> <LI>Prev by Date: <STRONG><A HREF="msg11311.html">Re: (ASCEND) modemdiag output on 5.0Ap36</A></STRONG> </LI> <LI>Next by Date: <STRONG><A HREF="msg11312.html">Re: (ASCEND) modemdiag output on 5.0Ap36</A></STRONG> </LI> <LI>Prev by thread: <STRONG><A HREF="msg11252.html">Re: (ASCEND) modemdiag output on 5.0Ap36</A></STRONG> </LI> <LI>Next by thread: <STRONG><A HREF="msg11323.html">Re: (ASCEND) modemdiag output on 5.0Ap36</A></STRONG> </LI> <LI>Index(es): <UL> <LI><A HREF="maillist.html#11313"><STRONG>Main</STRONG></A></LI> <LI><A HREF="thrd259.html#11313"><STRONG>Thread</STRONG></A></LI> </UL> </LI> </UL> <!--X-BotPNI-End--> <!--X-User-Footer--> <!--X-User-Footer-End--> </BODY> </HTML>