The proper release notes are now on the server. Sorry for the mixup. Apologies accepted Forgot the smileys, so here are some extra. :-):-):-) jaap ++ Ascend Users Mailing List ++ To unsubscribe: send unsubscribe to To get FAQ'd: <<A HREF=""></A>> </PRE> <!--X-MsgBody-End--> <!--X-Follow-Ups--> <!--X-Follow-Ups-End--> <!--X-References--> <HR> <STRONG>References</STRONG>: <UL> <LI><STRONG><A HREF="msg11281.html">Re: (ASCEND) 5.0Ap36 release notes</A></STRONG></LI> <UL> <LI><EM>From</EM>: Jaap Akkerhuis <></LI> </UL> </UL> <!--X-References-End--> <!--X-BotPNI--> <HR> <UL> <LI>Prev by Date: <STRONG><A HREF="msg11283.html">Re: (ASCEND) P75/Win95/Monitoring Prgm.</A></STRONG> </LI> <LI>Next by Date: <STRONG><A HREF="msg11281.html">Re: (ASCEND) 5.0Ap36 release notes</A></STRONG> </LI> <LI>Prev by thread: <STRONG><A HREF="msg11281.html">Re: (ASCEND) 5.0Ap36 release notes</A></STRONG> </LI> <LI>Next by thread: <STRONG><A HREF="msg11273.html">Re: (ASCEND) Multiple radiusd (fwd)</A></STRONG> </LI> <LI>Index(es): <UL> <LI><A HREF="maillist.html#11282"><STRONG>Main</STRONG></A></LI> <LI><A HREF="thrd261.html#11282"><STRONG>Thread</STRONG></A></LI> </UL> </LI> </UL> <!--X-BotPNI-End--> <!--X-User-Footer--> <!--X-User-Footer-End--> </BODY> </HTML>