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Re: (ASCEND) Ascend, Radius and RFC2138

On Wed, 17 Dec 1997, Oliver J. Albrecht wrote:

> In article <> you wrote:
> >	Was curious, is there any way to limit hours that certain users
> >are online by profiles for Ascend's radiusd hack?  Or possibly by other
> >means?  IE, say i had 2000 users, and 200 of them were to not be allowed
> >connection between 7:30pm and 9:30pm.  
> If you check the archives you'll find two threads (the first about 2 weeks,
> the second about 6 weeks ago) regarding this topic. Basically someone posted 
> a patch for radiusd that allow special profiles limiting the login-time.

Does anyone out there know where I can find the Ascend Mailing List
Archives?  So I can search for this patch?

Or, does anyone have the previously specified patch by Oliver?


> -- 
> Oliver J. Albrecht <>

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