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RE: (ASCEND) Pipeline75 dialing into USR I-Modem @ 128k

> At 12:02 1997/12/18 -0600, Taylor Blackwell wrote:
> >Still not making any progress.  I've confirmed that the Telco has
> hunt'd
> >the group on the USR side.  According to USR, and in practice I've
> >confirmed, I have to dial the 2nd DN first, followed by the 1st DN to
> do
> >MP connections, hence, 128k.  Well, I've even tried to do it with
> >multiple connection profiles, and I think I've hozed the Pipe now, it
> >refuses to dial a 2nd B.  Strange...
> If the line is really hunting, you should definitely need
> to dial only a single number... twice.
> maybe they are hunting voice and not data?
> or maybe the line also has ACO but the courier doen't support it?
Well, the hunt may or may not be working.  My Pipeline is acting as if
it doesn't want to dial in with 2 channels now.  I'm trying to find a
way to force it to open the 2nd, perhaps a hot key or something. I've
been on SWBell's ass about this all week, and they assure me the group
is hunting the 2nd SPID on the server side to the 1st, so I shouldn't
get a busy, but I do, so far.  Might I say I've about had it with this
USR/Ascend combo.  Are Pipe15's acceptable in a Unix environment as TA's
for this type of connections?

Taylor Blackwell - Technical Support Engineer - (512)425-2277
ichat -
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