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Re: (ASCEND) New P75:s available in Sweden?
At 12:59 PM 12/5/97 +0100, Thomas Falk Claezon wrote:
>Is the "new" Pipeline 75 available in Sweden, or does Ascend always ship
>"old" P75:s to us?
>We have had "new" P75:s on order for at least 2 months now. But our
>distributors are only receiving "old ones" from Ascend. We belived that
>there was "new" P75:s in one shipment due to the serial numbers. But as
>all of you on this list knows, you can't trust the serial number alone :-( !
>I talked to Ascend Sweden ca 2 weeks ago regarding this matter. Unfortunally
>they haven't come up with an answer yet! Maybe someone on this list has more
The new models don't have switches on the back. Unfortunately, some
distributers at different tiers still have the old models left over that
they are trying to get rid of. But we aren't making the old ones anymore
and not shipping them either.
Matt Holdrege
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