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Re: (ASCEND) Max 5.0Ap36
Yeah, but what does that have to do with CMU?
At 05:35 PM 12/2/97 -0500, Jason Nealis wrote:
> You need to be running an incremental release to be able be able
>to issue the SysRest snmp command. (This is for the NVRAM after
>the tload codes are issued) From what I saw the sysreset.0 does
>not exist on in patch tree.
> I'm sure that Ken Packert could clear this up. Ken?
>Jason Nealis
>Director Internet Operations
>Network Access
>Erols Internet
>On Tue, 2 Dec 1997, Matt Holdrege wrote:
>> At 09:38 AM 12/2/97 -0500, Jason Nealis wrote:
>> >
>> > Actually right now what I do it via SNMP, But I still have to telnet
>> >to each box and do the nvram, Cause the SysReset variable is only
>> >in the I branch (UGH COUGH COUGH DAMMIT), But once 6.0 comes up
>> >you can use this upgrade as many boxes as needed but you need CMU's
>> >SNMP installed to do it.
>> Cough, Cough. CMU??? I'm pretty sure I tested this with Openview a while
>> back. It should also work fine with Navis Access. Unless I'm missing
>> something?
>> Matt Holdrege
Matt Holdrege
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