You mean they "re-synched" and nothing sunk, hopefully! Look in /etc/mdadm.conf for the following: # When used in --follow (aka --monitor) mode, mdadm needs a # mail address and/or a program. This can be given with "mailaddr" # and "program" lines to that monitoring can be started using # mdadm --follow --scan & echo $! > /run/mdadm/ # If the lines are not found, mdadm will exit quietly MAILADDR iznogoud at bigpapa #PROGRAM /usr/sbin/handle-mdadm-events The last line is something you can build yourself, but I think the monitoring capability of mdadm running on its own will suffice. You can put it in /etc/rc.d/rc.local or similar for your distro to launch at booting. A personal preference of mine for servers I run is to launch services from the command-line manually when I boot them (does not happen often). I throw an mdadm --monitor with an 'at now' command. The idea is that if the monitoring process fails, I will get an email from the cron-job termination. Again, these are personal preferences and some admins may disagree with my practices. I really want to find some time to play with Linux md and experiment with RAID and networked RAID.