There were a couple of threads on automounting and I was thinking of 
sharing this anyway.  In my case, using Ubuntu, the problem is that my 
server is rebooted remotely, but attached USB drives don't automount until 
I log in at the console.  They would then mount in /media/${USER}/  It 
turns out there is a simple answer -- find the drive device in /dev 
(say it turns out to be /dev/sdd2) and then run a command that looks like 

udisksctl mount -b /dev/sdd2

My little one-liner script below simplifies this (and helps me remember) 
by allowing me to do this instead:

automount_drive d2

To find the proper device info, you can use fdisk -l, as root.  For me 
this one-liner provides exactly the drives I'm looking for and nothing 

( sudo fdisk -l | grep -E "[0-9]T .*(NTFS|Microsoft)" ) 2>&1 | grep -v "physical sector boundary"



# mounts USB drive in /media/${USER}/
# It is assumed to be /dev/sdXN (where XN are a letter and an number)
# syntax:
# automount_drive XN
# example - this mounted /media/mbmiller/DriveA:
# automount_drive f2
# It (sometimes) prompts for user password, then reports the mount point
# Those may change.  To get the newest sdXN values, do this:
# sudo fdisk -l
# But that pumps out a lot.  To find the attached drives with multiple TBs
# of storage, try this:
# sudo fdisk -l | grep -P "\dT "
# It's a simple command:

udisksctl mount -b /dev/sd$1