This one's mainly for Rick.

I am writing a comprehensive template (skeleton and example) C code to use
Motif widgets with OpenGL, and I will put it on Github. I have a paper from the
X journal (from 1994) that is the most concise example and description of how
to do it, but it is a little inadequate in my opinion. Based on that and on a
lot of other reading of the X Programing Manual Vol 6 -among others- I have
started making this better example.

At present it contains pull-down menus, buttons, a help menu, an area where
OpenGL drawing is visualized (via GLX), a textbox that acts as a log/console,
and a command-line input widget. That is pretty good for most things, but if
anyone wants anything more, go ahead and make suggestions.

I am working on a commercial project that needs this functionality and that is
why I figured it is worth making an example public.