I've thought about that on and off for a while... never realized there was
a name for the day though! :-)

Very cool script, also!


On Wed, Sep 4, 2013 at 5:42 PM, Mike Miller <mbmiller+l at gmail.com> wrote:

> For any two people there exists a date on which the older one is exactly
> twice the age of the younger one.  I'll call this their "doubling day."
> The interesting thing is that this is the same day on which the younger
> one is exactly the age that the older one was when the younger one was
> born.  It is also the day on which the older one is exactly twice as old as
> he or she was when the younger one was born.  It is fun to figure this out
> for parent and offspring.  Here is an example:
> My wife's birthday:
> bday1="15 Sep 1969"
> My daughter's birthday:
> bday2="18 Sep 2007"
> The day when my daughter will be the age my wife was when my daughter was
> born:
> $ date -d "$bday2 +$(echo $(date -d "$bday1" +'%s') $(date -d "$bday2"
> +'%s') | awk '{print $2-$1}') seconds" +"%A, %B %d, %Y"
> Wednesday, September 20, 2045
> So on that date, my wife will be twice the age she was when our daughter
> was born, our daughter will be half her mother's age, and our daughter will
> be the age her mother was when our daughter was born.
> I got more into it and made the script below.  It seems to deal with time
> zones correctly.  Let me know what you think.  Thanks.
> Mike
> #!/bin/bash
> # Enter two birthdays, get back the date and time on which the older
> # individual is exactly double the age of the younger individual.
> #
> # When neither birthdate includes a time of day, both birth times are
> # set to 12:01 PM in the locale time zone.  I wanted to use noon -- the
> # middle of the day -- but there is some ambiguity about whether noon
> # is a.m. or p.m., so I changed the time to 12:01 p.m.
> #
> # Input dates are accepted in any format that "date" can understand.
> # For example these work for me in my locale and give the same answer:
> # # 23 Mar 1992
> # 1992-03-23
> # 3/23/1992
> #
> # The third example input date works in my US locale, but it won't
> # work in many parts of the world because the order of month and day
> # needs to be reversed (e.g., in Latin America and Europe).
> #
> # A time can be specified along with a time zone.  Examples:
> #
> # "19 May 1958 17:00' "23 Mar 1992 20:00"
> #
> # 'TZ="America/Chicago" 19 May 1958 17:00' "23 Mar 1992 21:00 EST"
> #
> # If your machine is set to the America/Chicago (Central) time zone,
> # those two pairs of dates do the same thing.
> #
> # The output time zone can be specified as a third argument, but it
> # must be provided in the format described in timezone(3) or
> # tzfile(5).  The easy way to figure it out is to run the command
> # tzselect or try this nice web site:
> #
> # http://www.timezoneconverter.**com/cgi-bin/findzone.tzc<http://www.timezoneconverter.com/cgi-bin/findzone.tzc>
> #
> if [ $# -gt 2 ]; then
>    TZ=$3
>    if [ -f /usr/share/zoneinfo/$TZ ] ; then
>       export TZ
>    else
>       echo "
> ERROR: unacceptable time zone specified. Try this website:
> http://www.timezoneconverter.**com/cgi-bin/findzone.tzc<http://www.timezoneconverter.com/cgi-bin/findzone.tzc>"
> 1>&2 ; exit 1
>    fi
> fi
> input_bday1=$1
> input_bday2=$2
> # Figure out the time
> time1=$(date -d "$input_bday1" +%T)
> time2=$(date -d "$input_bday2" +%T)
> # When only date, and not time, is specified, time reverts by default
> # to zero, which is midnight on the morning of the given day.  It is
> # better to use noon when the time is not known, so here we change the
> # time to one minute after noon (so that AM/PM are clear to the user).
> # This code also puts the dates into seconds from 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC.
> if [ "$time1" == "00:00:00" ] ; then
>    bday1=$(date -d "$input_bday1 +12 hours +1 minute" +%s)
> else
>    bday1=$(date -d "$input_bday1" +%s)
> fi
> if [ "$time2" == "00:00:00" ] ; then
>    bday2=$(date -d "$input_bday2 +12 hours +1 minute" +%s)
> else
>    bday2=$(date -d "$input_bday2" +%s)
> fi
> # Compute the doubling day in seconds:
> let "doubling_day = 2*bday2 - bday1"
> # Generate output:
> echo "Birthday #1 = $(date -d @$bday1 +"%A, %B %d, %Y, %r %Z")"
> echo "Birthday #2 = $(date -d @$bday2 +"%A, %B %d, %Y, %r %Z")"
> echo "Doubling day = $(date -d @$doubling_day +"%A, %B %d, %Y, %r %Z")"
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