On Thu, 21 Mar 2013, Jeremy MountainJohnson wrote:

> This site is pretty cool: http://nixsrv.com/llthw

Thanks!  That is a pretty good effort.  There are things I would do 
differently, but it is giving me a lot of good ideas.

> I teach UNIX for undergrad, some like the site above if they are 
> motivated enough. Otherwise we use SDF.org for a server to connect to, 
> they have a teaching group (free) that works well for an entry level 
> course and for programming and scripting. I set the class up for BASH 
> primarily and we cover some basics for a few other shells.
> I recommend dividing up your teaching in segments; start with basic 
> command line directives like you mentioned (primarily navigating around 
> CLI, most people don't know how). pwd, cd (going "home"), ls, and tree, 
> are good places to start. I move on to manipulation and creation of 
> files (cat, VIM, nano, etc) as its own section, then security and FS 
> (permissions, inodes).
> I won't recommend the book I use as it's terrible and my hands are tied 
> with it. However I make the labs from a few different resources on my 
> own.
> Hope that helps,

Yes.  That helps a lot.  Thanks.

Also "tree" -- good one.

Regarding inodes -- what do you say about them?  I guess they are needed 
for understanding hard links, but anything else?  I have never taught them 
and I'm not sure that I even know what I should know about them!
