Craig Rosenblum cried from the depths of the abyss...

> NameVirtualHost *:8082
> <VirtualHost *:8082>
>    ServerName localhost
>    DocumentRoot /home/craig/www/wbm
>    # add the following two lines if you want vhost-specific logging
>    ErrorLog /ver/log/apache2/
>    CustomLog /var/log/apache2/ combined
> </VirtualHost>

Stop using localhost.  As other said, edit your HOSTS file.  You need to 
add the host name of the site you are creating to point to too.

Let say your *:8082 is called website1, then added the following to your 
HOSTS file:	website1

leave the localhost, and just add the above line.

Edit your <VirttualHost> to read ServerName website1

Also you should add the ServerAlias website1  on the line after 

Add Quotes to the DocRoot Path

Should look like:

NameVirtualHost *:8082

<VirtualHost *:8082>
     	ServerAdmin email at # this is optional
 	ServerName website1
 	ServerAlias website1
        	DocumentRoot "/home/craig/www/wbm"
 	ErrorLog "/var/log/apache2/"     # you had a
 							  # typeo /ver
     	CustomLog "/var/log/apache2/" combined

> apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName

Don't stress about this one.  It's not uncommon for the server name not to 
match the site.

Do you want all the apache site to run on port 8082?  If so change the 
Listen (in httpd.conf) to read Listen 8082

Make sure you are loading the vhosts_alias_module in httpd.conf

Make sure you changed the permission of /home/craig/www/wbm to match the 
User/Group in httpd.conf

Not sure how apache installed on your distro, but if the vhost-config is 
separate from the httpd.conf make sure you are including the VirtHost conf 
file in httpd.conf

Easiest thing to do if just send us your complete httpd.conf (or what ever 
they call it on your distro & any other related .conf files)

It will be much easier to get this going for you if we can see it all.

> [Fri Jun 01 00:51:20 2012] [warn] NameVirtualHost has no 
> [Fri Jun 01 00:51:20 2012] [warn] NameVirtualHost *:80 has no VirtualHosts
> apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName
> [Fri Jun 01 00:51:20 2012] [warn] NameVirtualHost has no VirtualHosts
> [Fri Jun 01 00:51:20 2012] [warn] NameVirtualHost *:80 has no VirtualHosts
> Action 'start' failed.
> The Apache error log may have more information.