I use perl GCI for this kind of stuff all the time. Basically make your 
html file (lets call it file.html) and put a marker in there, like 
%%MD5SUM%% or something. Then your CGI does this:

 	chomp($md5=`md5sum  direct.tar.bz2`);

 	open(F, $file);
 	while(<F>) {
 		s/%%MD5SUM%%/$md5/ if (/%%MD5SUM%%/);

 	close (F);

That's extremely simplified with no full paths or strict mode or error 
checking, but you get the idea.

On Sat, 14 Jul 2012, Brian Wood wrote:

> I'm wondering how to automate something further.  Currently I
> use the following commands (in a script) when I publish a
> new version of the software.
> md5sum  direct.tar.bz2 | tee md5checksum
> cat md5checksum | xclip -sel clip
> After that I edit an html file by hand and paste the new
> checksum into the file.  Once in a while I forget to do that
> step.  So I'd like to figure out how to improve the process. 
> What do you suggest?  Thanks in advance.
> Shalom,
> Brian Wood
> Ebenezer Enterprises
> http://webEbenezer.net

